Our Story

Our leadership team has over 70 years of combined experience in sales, business
development, start-ups, and outdoor retail. We are active ultra marathoners who are
involved in the DFW running scene and have a deep understanding of the brands and
trends in this category. We know the business because we are the customer.

Trailhead Running Supply staff photo

Who We Are

Trailhead is an INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY of trail and road runners in North Texas. We accommodate everyone from the rookie runner to the veteran ultra marathoner. Any person willing to show up, move forward, test limits, and endure suering can join our tribe.

Our goal is for Trailhead to serve as a communal hub for the running lifestyle. We will be where you park your car, gear up, and say hi to friends before you start your run... and where you share beer, pizza, & stories when it’s over.